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  • Register on the day (Saturday 16 November, 2024) on the Chapman's Peak side of Hout Bay Beach

  • Registration is at 8:30 am - 10:00am.

  • Pay with cash or Snapscan

  • Take your flag and mark your site

  • Start building at 10:00am. Building ends at 12:00pm

  • Relax, eat and drink while the judges make their decision

  • Enjoy the prize-giving and raffle draw between 13:00 pm and 13:30 pm

  • Take your children, belongings and litter home with you!

  • Leave only your sandy masterpiece and footprints for all to enjoy




Adults                                                           R 60 each

Children                                                       R 30 each

Corporate Team                                        R 2000 per team (maximum 6 adults per team)

Brand a plot                                                R 2000 (4x4m)

Sonwabile Team                                        R 2000 per team (maximum 8 children or 6 adults per team)

Inter-School Challenge                             R 300 per team  (maximum 8 children per team)

Professionals                                               R 50 per adult (maximum 6 adults per team)


You can pay NOW via SNAPSCAN using your name as your reference and email us your proof of payment to:

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  • Originality of concept out of 10

  • Artistic execution out of 10

  • Technical difficulty out of 10

  • Carving technique out of 10

  • Use of space out of 10

The highest total mark out of 50 in each category will decide the winners & runners up!    
The Judges decision is final.



  • Corporate teams may have a max. of 6 team members.

  • Family teams may consist of no more than 2 adults and 4 children.

  • Inter-School teams may only have max 6 children per team

  • Professionals max 6 per team.

  • Teams will register and be given a numbered, colour coded flag and wristband.

  • Teams may start building at 10h00 and must finish by 12h00.

  • Only items found in nature (on the beach) may be used as part of the materials and décor of the sandcastle

  • Builders may bring buckets, spades, water sprays to assist with building

  • Upon completion, each team must plant their flag on top of their castle and stay with the castle until it has been judged.

  • Judging of completed castles from 12h00.

  • Judging must be completed by 13h00.

  • Prize giving will take place approximately 13h15.

  • Judges will affix a sticker to the flag of each castle once it has been judged.




To make the competition fair and fierce there are a range of categories to enter:

  1. Family Teams (Up to 4 Adults and 4 Children per team - maximum 6 people per team)

  2. Corporate Challenge (Up to 6 Adults)

  3. Sonwabile (Sponsored Teams - 6 per team plus 2 adult supervisors, who may not build)

  4. Inter-School Challenge (6 Children per team)

  5. Professionals (Professional Sculptures - 6 per team)

© 2019 Sandcastle Competition Hout Bay

Valley Pre-primary School

Call us on: 

+27 (021 ) 790 1540

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