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Calling ALL businesses - big and small - to support the Valley Pre-Primary Sandcastle Competition

and invest in education!



For great advertising

  • Engage thousands of people on the beach with exciting brand activations.

  • Most visitors are LSM 8-10 families with kids from Hout Bay, the Atlantic Seaboard 
    and the Southern Suburbs.

  • Link your brand with feel-good, heart-warming community initiatives 
    - wear your heart on   your sleeve.

  • Valuable media coverage from SABC Expressoshow and community newspapers like The Sentinel.

  • A great team-building opportunity for your management and staff.


For the children

100% of funds go to education empowerment projects in Hout Bay. These are led by Valley School’s Sonwabile Fund, which enables 10 children from disadvantaged backgrounds to join the school every year as well as benefit from Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Language Enrichment. Sonwabile also helps these children with financial support to attend Valley’s unforgettable school outings and functions.






Own the Beach as a Title Sponsor
R40 - R60 000

Dress the Chapman’s Peak side of the beach in your branding from 8am to 3pm - flags and banners; gazebos, promoters in branded kit handing out samples; umbrellas for competing teams; giant beach balls delighting the crowds … think outside of the box and go big.

Your branding on all marketing collateral including ads in the Hout Bay Sentineland posters, banners and flyers around town. It will also be on the D6 School Communicator app which engages 150 Valley School families.
There may be more/wider media exposure, see if you can find out.


R10,000 upward for prime position branding


Corporate competing team
From R2 000 per team

Enter a proudly branded castle-building team with six of your volunteering employees. Be part of the action, competing for the Floating Trophy and a prize in the Corporate Category. Brand your site with banners and bunting and make a splash. Feel free to add a second team of six!


Sonwabile team sponsorship (a perfect CSI opportunity)
From R2 000 per team 

Put your support behind a team or teams of underprivileged children from some of Hout Bay’s best run NPOs, NGOs and less privileged schools. These teams compete in the Sonwabile Category and will love being able to take part proudly wearing your branded Gear. You can also brand the site that your team are building on with flags, bunting, umbrellas, etc.


Donate, donate, donate

We welcome donations of inventive prizes, food, drinks or other relevant products to add to the magic on the beach. We need lots of prizes suitable for adults, families and children of all ages for different categories ranging from vouchers for meals, trips, services, goods or accommodation, to items like toiletries, toys, DVDs, books, games  - chat to us and we can brainstorm!








© 2019 Sandcastle Competition Hout Bay

Valley Pre-primary School

Call us on: 

+27 (021 ) 790 1540

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