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What's it about?


Grab your buckets and spades and head to Hout Bay beach on  Saturday, 16 November, 2024 for an action-packed morning filled with sunshine, sandcastles, entertainment and delicious eats and drinks. Our MC and  DJ,  will keep you entertained throughout the morning.


Building castles is the order of the day but there are loads of other activities to keep you entertained all morning.


  • Dance performers and live music
  • Food and drinks stalls to satisfy your every craving

  • Celebrity judges to make the difficult decisions

  • A DJ and MC to keep you entertained and informed

  • Amazing prizes (Weekends Away, Dinner Vouchers, Beauty Products, Toys and other Goodies) are awarded to winners in each category as selected by celebrity judges.

It's a perfect way to celebrate family, community and the beauty of Cape Town's beaches.

Register on the day on the Chapman's Peak side of Hout Bay beach 8:30am - 10:00am. 

The competition is organised by Hout Bay's Valley Pre-Primary school to raise funds for educational bursaries. 


Screenshot 2019-08-28 at 18.59.40.png

Watch The Sandcastle Competition on Expresso Morning show:

 Sandcastle Competition 2018 - Espresso Show 


The annual Sandcastle Competition, organised by Hout Bay's Valley Pre-Primary School, celebrated its 24th anniversary in 2020.

© 2019 Sandcastle Competition Hout Bay

Valley Pre-primary School

Call us on: 

+27 (021 ) 790 1540

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